
All on 4 and All on 6 Technique


All on 4 and All on 6 Technique

Implant Treatments

What is All on 4 and All on 6 Technique?

All on 4 and All on 6 implant application techniques; It is the process of fixing the dental prosthesis with minimum implant application for patients who have compatibility problems in removable prostheses due to bone loss, who want to have fixed prosthesis, and who have lost all their teeth. In these procedures, 4 to 8 implants are applied depending on the condition of the jaw bones of the individual. You can find more detailed information about implant applications in our Dental Implant article. All on 4 and All on 6 applications increase the comfort of use by fixing the prosthesis. In addition, it provides an aesthetic advantage as temporary prostheses can be applied to the patient on the day of the procedure.


Who are the All on 4 and All on 6 techniques suitable for?

All On Four and All on 6 treatment techniques; It is a suitable procedure for patients who have lost all their teeth and do not have any health problems that may hinder implant applications. In addition, All On Four and All on 6 techniques; It is also a suitable option for implant treatment in the same session with the extraction of these teeth in patients whose all teeth are too damaged to be treated or who have lost their surrounding bone support. Multiple implant applications may not be preferred by these patients, or additional treatments may be required for implant application in the missing areas due to significant bone loss, especially in the posterior regions of the jaw line. In these cases, All on 4 and All on 6 techniques are suitable treatment alternatives for fixed prosthesis without the need for additional procedures.

What are the advantages of the All on 4 and All on 6 techniques?

The fact that All on 4 and All on 6 applications allow prosthesis to be made on the same day as implant treatment in patients who have lost all their teeth provides a great advantage in restoring aesthetic and functional properties. The aesthetics of the prosthesis can be easily planned individually. Arranging the smile line and providing smile aesthetics can also be included in this planning. In the application of All on 4 and All on 6 treatment techniques, there is no need for additional procedures to increase the amount of bone mostly on the jawbone or at the base of the sinus. It is a comfortable treatment option. There is usually no pain or edema after the procedure. Rarely, there may be minimal pain and edema. However; With the regular use of the drugs prescribed by the dentist, loss of comfort in this process can be easily prevented. Cleaning and maintenance of dentures made with All on 4 and All on 6 techniques is easier than standard dental implant applications. Thanks to the fact that the prosthesis prepared in the application is fixed and there is no part that fits on the palate area, it is much easier to use than removable dental prostheses.

What awaits you in the All on 4 and All on 6 treatment processes?

In order to plan All on 4 and All on 6 treatments, the first session of clinical and radiographic examinations should be done in detail. It should be checked whether the gingival tissue and the amount of bone are sufficient for implant placement. In cases where it is not sufficient, additional procedures can be applied before the treatment to gain the needed tissue in the relevant area. Depending on the condition of the tissues, bone addition is done by adding bone powder or by taking the patient’s own bone from a different region and placing it in the area where it is needed. If these procedures are performed by specialist surgeons, it is necessary to wait 4-6 months for the bone to reach the ideal quality. After this process has passed, implant application can be made by providing the necessary controls.

If all conditions are suitable for the application, an impression is taken to prepare the temporary prosthesis. Computed tomography, which allows a detailed examination of the jawbones, is used to determine the most ideal treatment that can be done while preserving the health of the surrounding tissues. Detailed measurements are made on the patient’s tomography image, and the areas where the implants will be applied are determined. In line with the plan created, if there are teeth that need to be extracted on the treatment day, 4 or 6 implants are applied. These transactions are; It can be easily performed under local anesthesia, but it can also be performed with sedation or general anesthesia in patients with high levels of anxiety and fear. Temporary dental prostheses are fixed on the implants on the same day as the implant applications. The fusion process of the implant and the bone is passed comfortably with temporary prostheses. At the end of this process, which takes an average of 3 months, the implants are ready for permanent prosthesis.

What kind of process awaits you after the All on 4 and All on 6 processes?

Pain or edema rarely occurs after All on 4 and All on 6 procedures. This situation can be easily overcome without loss of comfort. Regular use of the drugs prescribed by the dentist and cold compresses on the area are sufficient to control pain and edema in a short time. After the application, patients should be careful to put as little load on the temporary dental prosthesis as possible. For this, hard or sticky foods should be avoided, and soft foods should be preferred during the process of temporary prostheses in the mouth. When the bond between the bone and the implant is ideal, the transition to permanent dental prostheses is made. When the permanent dental prosthesis is fixed on the implant, it is possible to return to the normal diet. Attention to oral care is also an important factor for the life of implants.

What are the factors that determine the lifetime of All on 4 and All on 6 applications?

All on 4 and All on 6 applications, whose long-term success has been proven by researches, are the most comfortable methods for patients for whom this treatment technique is suitable. However, in this process, it is of great importance to ensure a good connection between the bone and the implant. In order to create this connection in the most ideal way, the patient’s medications and recommended diet; It should be applied as recommended in the required period. And also; During the period when both temporary and permanent dentures are used, attention should be paid to daily oral care and regular physician checks should be made. In this way, the possibility of infection around the implant and the loss of the implants are prevented.

Implant Treatments

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